7pm Sunday 10th April, 2022.
Continuing the Bournemouth Symphony Chorus tradition of performing a Bach passion at Easter, Bach’s St Matthew Passion is regarded as one of the greatest choral works ever written. It follows events leading to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ using text from 26th and 27th chapters of St Matthew’s Gospel.
It is a magnificent and compelling work written for double orchestra, double chorus and five soloists. Conducted by Gavin Carr, the Bournemouth Symphony Chorus and Youth Chorus are joined by Bournemouth Chamber Ensemble and international soloists including Evangelist Mark Wilde and Christus Jake Muffett.
We know that, while you are considering booking tickets for this great show, you will be thinking about what we at Lighthouse are doing to keep you as safe as we can from COVID-19. You can find out all about our COVID-secure measures HERE. We can’t wait to see you soon.