Sandrey Date Choral Scholarship

The BSC has celebrated Sandrey's much valued contribution to the management and development of the BSC over many years, with a commemorative concert. Those who would wish to do so are invited to donate to the BSC Sandrey Date Choral Scholarship Fund which provides 2 year bursaries to support talented young baritones/ basses to develop their singing potential.

The Bournemouth Symphony Chorus is a registered charity. Charity Number: 1040282

Please Donate Here

Please note that all donations via this PayPalGiving link at the moment are being directed to the Sandrey Date Choral Scholarship for young singers in the Bournemouth Symphony Chorus.

(There are no PayPal charges and you can GiftAid if you desire)

You may also give via BACS Sort Code: 20-96-96 Account Nr: 00174629 using the reference "Sandrey"
or cheques payable to Bournemouth Symphony Chorus posted to
Bournemouth Symphony Chorus
Barrow Lee,
Calcraft Road,
Corfe Castle.
BH20 5EL

Any queries may be emailed to
